So to convert BDMV, we need to rely on a professional BDMV converter, like Avdshare Video Converter.
Most of video converters on the market can not perfectly convert BDMV to other popular video formats due to the fact that BDMV is only as a descriptive file, but not as a real video file. So converting BDWV to popular video formats, like MP4, AVI, MKV, MOV, WMV, MPG, etc seems the easiest way to play BDMV on the above devices or media players. BDMV can only be opened by few applications, like BDMV Player, VLC, Windows Media Player, QuickTime, etc, but can not be opened by iTunes, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, PSP, Zune, etc. The progress bar at the bottom will show you the remaining conversion time. Can your recommend a workable BDMV converter to me?īDMV is usually associated with Blu-ray Disc digital multimedia format and is used for describing the contents of a Blu-ray disc, like the name of the Blu-ray movie, the Blu-ray movie audio data, etc. If you want to change the folder where your videos will be saved after being converted, hit the Folder button and choose the new destination for the output files. I googled some BDMV converters, but it seems none of these BDMV converters can work for my purpose. I want to convert my BDMV folder to AVI or MP4 for playback on my Android. And I just wonder how I can get an MKV file from this BDMV folder, any converter or any plug-in?
Hi, guys, I have got a BDMV folder from a Blu-ray disc.